Friday, November 21, 2014


I fell in L O V E
with a boy
A boy full of 
light laughter and dreams
He made me see
the world
for its possibilities
He changed me
from the girl in the back of the class room
to ME
He made me see 
that me was the best thing
I could be
because there was nobody else that could be me
He taught me how to laugh
and how laughter
heals the soul

He showed me how
to make others smile
I practiced a lot
on him
He told me 
I didn't have to be afraid
Of A N Y T H I N G
One day my boy
decided he didn't want to be mine anymore
didn't want to be a boy anymore
but a man
His smile
was replaced by wrinkled forehead
at least around me
His dreams
became plans
and nothing more
My boy spread so far
so thin
I can't see him when he's next to me
I don't think he wants me to
He stopped looking for me
and I him
And all this time
my heart twisted
My heart squeezed
and tore
and broke
and no amount of tears
could wash away the pain

My boy became a memory
a fantasy
a fleeting thought
Someone I will always love
While the man lives
becoming someone 
distant and unrecognizable
I tried to love him
it made sense
then my heart came
and said
You can't L O V E with your H E A D
nor R E A S O N with your H E A R T
So I left the boy
who'd become a man
And do everything he taught
and remember everything we did
One day
My boy will come back
And the man
will go

Saturday, November 8, 2014

I Honestly Don't Know What to Say

I honestly don't know what to say.
My mind is blank, but my hands move, discover.
They want to see how far they can reach
And how much they can pull up
they want to create
and just
They want to discover
the World's secret
(cause everyone has one)
they want
to set it free
My heart discovered me
It discovered
Life is mean
Life is cruel
Life is pain
Life is out to get me
But Life is also
full of love
and how can something so horrible
be so...
I discovered the little kid
that used to catch snowflakes
on their tongue,
face towards God,
is still inside
never going to grow up
never to be a serious adult
I used to look up at the stars
and wonder
Now I can't even see them
I used to sit on the grass
petting a dog
and drawing
Now I'm lucky to have
10 minutes free
I used to watch the clouds
and make pictures
now I look for the blue
and the sun
I honestly don't know what I'm saying
But my hands
and my heart
I used to cry
when my boot crushed a flower
now I don't even look down
when I walk
I used to sing 
it felt good
now I don't
it doesn't sound good
I used to smile
because I'm alive
I'm free
Now I don't
too busy
too tired
I have no idea what I'm saying
neither does my head
but my heart does
and my hands
follow suit
I used to dance
to move my body
to the beat of life
now I've got places to go
and dancing doesn't get me there
fast enough
I used to be in love
with my hero
Now we don't even talk
I don't know where this all came from
But my heart does
and my hands explain
the sun used to kiss my cheeks
as I spun
playing drunk monkey
Now my playmate is gone
there is work to be done
I used to see the magic
and believe
now I'm too old
and embarrassed
 to admit it was ever there
I honestly don't know what to say.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Breathing Stars

Death is a strange concept that is feared because we don't understand. It's something that makes us do the wildest of things whether we're avoiding it or chasing it with arms spread wide. 

It's is the end of everything we know and the beginning of things we don't.

Death brings a pain that no one can describe, nor wants to. A pain that paints images. Images of that gun going off. Of Those pills being swallowed, the car making contact, their arm going limp, and the world slowing to a stand still. 

The threat of death changes people. It makes them doing things they normally wouldn't have the guts to do. It changes people, turns them inside out like nothing else can. 

It can build you up or tear you down. It makes you sign in relief or tense in fear. It either sharpens or dulls your senses. 

It burns you, marks you

Death makes you cry so hard you see stars and almost pass out. 

Death breaks down your barriers, then builds them up stronger than before. It makes you vulnerable then tough. It makes you wonder then fear. 

Death is life 

And life is death.